Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It started off alright but then I got a little lost. Or I'd be more entertaining if I ever left my house

Earlier this year I had an Aha! moment that everyone is always talking about. I was watching an Alex Day video where he was talking about how he only owned his favourite things, and he gave away or threw out everything that he didn't like absolutely. When you think about it, that is seriously the most simple idea in the world. I mean, you don't wear things that aren't your favourite and when you do you spend the whole time feeling vaguely annoyed that you chose this pair of jeans over the identical but obviuosly superior favourites.

I decided to get rid of all my clothes that I didn't like. Which kind of backfired a little when I had to take some back out of the bag and put them in my drawer again, even though I hadn't worn them for years. I mean, no one would have wanted them anyway, what with the clutch marks my fingers had made on them.

Anyway, I gave away a butt load of stuff and stopped boredom-shopping and decided to only buy things I absolutely loved and it was kind of great. Almost all my clothes are my favourites. And those other ones I don't wear, well, I can't because of the clutch marks and... stuff.

It's kind of great in another way though. It's kind of like a private secret you have with the whole world. Here you are, just walking around like everyone else, but you're not. You are wearing your favourite things, that everyone else just thinks are ordinary. The things you like reflect personality so fully, I think. I mean, You might be the only person who chooses that, or decorates like that, or cooks like that and that shows the outside world exactly who you are. When you're just wearing anything it doesn't really matter, but when you're are wearing your favourite clothes then it's something different. Cos other people don't know it, they don't know that what they are looking at is completely you and that's kind of exciting, I guess. Like you're giving everyone a glimpse at who you really, truly are without all the vulnerability.

I think I'm talking about being genuine? Blerg, I don't know how this post got there. In my head this all sounded much better and made much more sense without becoming all new agey be-yourself-it's-awesome. Ugh, I don't eve know myself in this post. Tune in next time for a thousand word thesis on not being a phony!


Last night I dreamed I jogged fifteen miles with Tuvoc from Star Trek Voyager. I was sweating like a pig but he was fresh as a daisy, and extremely smug and self satisfied which was not very vulcan of him. Anyway, I have a 50% essay to complete by tomorrow that I am barely half-way done with, and I have to go finish that. But then I am finished uni for the year! So I'll have riveting post about being yourself through your clothing! and exactly how many hours you can spend lying on the lounge watching tv before you lose too much muscle mass to survive! I need a job!

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