Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I totally should be doing something else, that's why this is so long

Wow, so I haven't done the whole blogging thing for awhile, and I probably won't be doing it anyway because no one is reading this. And I don't mean that in a "hello to the two people reading this when I obviously have seven thousand readers who adore me and wait for updates and obviously consider me an important part of their lives, but I'm just trying to be modest" kind of way. In an actual, hello to the no people out there, kind of way. And normally I'd spent an hour trying to convince myself that I wasn't actually blogging for readers, I'm blogging for myself! but I'm not doing that either because it's late and I'm tired and my day kind of sucked. Plus, I have two thousand words to write on my nanonovel but I'm struggling. Not because of lack of ideas, cos I know exactly what the next  words should be, more that I lack the caring. Or even, that I lack the other people caring. And that, my (non-existent) friends is the real problem. There is simply no one who cares. And so I thought I'd write a post, in my long abandoned blog that nobody reads, just to really wallow in the nobody caring business.

Because I'm a nut job (she says, trying to be all cute as she waves to her seven thousand followers. No, not doing that. taking it back.) Because I'm a person, in cases like these I would make up other people to care. For example, a friendly neighbour who would wander over and ask, "hey, I was just thinking about you last night, hows the nanonovel coming?" And we'd chat for a bit, and he'd admire my tomato plants and then with a wave he'd saunter off into his life. Quick side note, I had a blog when I was sixteen where I made up a neighbour guy who I would go sit on the veranda with of an afternoon and drink beer with. And it was such a lie. I mean, I don't even drink beer so I don't know why I added that part in even. I forget his name but he was from somewhere like Amsterdam or somewhere (oh, that's why the beer, it was imported or something. It was a complicated backstory) and people loved him. I mean they really LOVED him, and then I felt like a pathetic loser for making up somebody in my blog who was so very much more entertaining then me. Also, it's hard to take something like that back, like, oh, right, sorry I made him up. especially since there is so much scandal over bloggers making stuff up which I personally find really weird. If I like your blog, I'm probably not going to care that the neighbour from Amsterdam that you drink beer is actually you sitting in your pyjamas at four in the afternoon starting in on your second can of pringles. Or even something less pathetic, though if you are (non-existant reader) actually doing that right now, don't even worry about it, we've all been there. Once you pop, you just can't stop, amirite? plus, the phrase is hella catchy and so I just want to say it a bunch.

ok, I'm back. Anyway, apparently that whole last paragraph was just a warning to you (non-existant reader. Or me, actually, since I'm writing this for myself or something. Wow, that got a little twilight zoney. Ok, note to self...) that I'm going to make stuff up. I can't help it, I lie on blogs, it happens, you have been warned, deal with it.

Ok, facts about me:
I live in Australia. This is also a slight warning because sometimes I get obnoxiously australian and will start using slang terms I don't know the meaning of. So yea, watch out for that.

I take the bus to places. However, there will be no funny bus stories. Once again, apologies in advance. I mean, there might be one or two, but mainly I try desperately hard not to attract the attention of the crazies. Partly because I don't want to deal with it and partly because I generally read on the bus and so if I was asked to get off before my stop, I don't think I could find my way home.

I am writing a nanonovel. Nanowrimo for those who do not know, is an event where in november you have to write 50,000 words in a month. The aim is to get a very (very) rough draft of a novel done, so then you can move onto revisions. I want this. I want this so bad I freeze up and can't type the words because I'm afraid I wont make it to 50,000. It doesn't help that I have no people, and I got into a private (meaning, he doesn't know about it) competion with this guy who has at least 15,000 words more than me. Which is both baffling and horribly annoying. So that is why I'm thinking about maybe doing some blogging. Because I need people and I have just made you guys up! look at how I smoothly transitioned from calling you non-existant friends to refering to you like we are sitting having coffee write now. Actually, it's more like we're in a uni lecture hall and I'm talking at you while you try to sleep or text or whatever, but that's ok, I forgive you cos we're buds. Anyway, Ive got to write 2,000 words in the next hour so I don''t hate myself in the morning.


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